Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Next New Thing

We already use BlackBoard in our college. I think this new media will be a unique educational platform for all teachers and students from high school to higher levels so far. It should be integrated with other social networking media. Professors will post study materials and take real time quizzes and examinations through it. Quizzes and short answers will be answered through twitter. Students will contact with classmates and alumni using Facebook. Students may use entire library online and attend their classes via video conference if they have problems coming to college. We should eliminate paper usage and everything will be stored on central computer system. Professors may arrange virtual tours of real world activities of various professions and students may interact with professionals for practical knowledge.  

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

P2P File Sharing

File sharing is sharing of digital formats of various files such as word documents, images, eBooks, music, movies etc. through network and accessories like pen drive, disk, hard drive etc. with other users. Peer to peer (P2P) file sharing is file sharing and access to them within peers over the network. Any peer can edit or alter others files. Some examples of P2P file sharing is group presentations, Skype screen share. People also use it to fix up any software problems of remote computers.

 Work cited:

Our Class Wiki - So Far

My term paper was using of new media in education. I found that there are more benefits than drawbacks and proper usages of it can make learning and study more interesting to young people. I am working on to find out efficient ways of new media usages in different fields of education.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Privacy and Confidentiality

I believe that something related to a person’s own is privacy and his/her control over privacy is confidentiality. So it is our own choice what information we may disclose or hide to others. Almost every social networking site is free to use and advertisement is the main source of revenue. We sign user agreement and let them use our personal information. Sometimes they leave cookies in website to collect personal information about users so that they may customize advertisement or offer something based on the person’s interest. So we have a very little privacy and confidentiality while using new media.  

Advice to Baruch College

We know that any electronics devices compatible with Wi-Fi is considered as New Media. Our 23 Building has no Wi-Fi coverage and my first suggestion to Baruch College authority to bring 23 Building under Wi-Fi coverage. There are three schools here. So I will suggest creating separate social networking sites (facebook, blog, flickr etc.) for schools and a common site for all users which should be linked with gym, students’ clubs and organizations. All professors should use BlackBoard and online homework. I will suggest to use Twitter for communicate with each other quickly. I will suggest introducing more online courses and encouraging students to participate on new media efficiently.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Creativity and New Media

This winter in the USA is an exceptional event and my family, friends and relatives in my country were very worried about me. They gave me suggestions and even weather upgrades using new media. Here is the pictures which described our situation in the NYC.